Erimar's Trinkets
Hello, my name is Erimar and I am pleased to welcome you to my first website! Like most people on neocities, I wanted to create my own little space that I could customize to my own liking. I am not too fond of how restrictive social media apps can be with this aspect, so I decided to create my own website. I don't know what I am doing, but I am super excited to learn as I continue with this endevour!
As I mentioned previously, I don't know a hoot about javascript, html, or css, so I am using a template by sadgirl (whom I am ever so greatful for, thank you so much!) Please bear with me as I modify and make this website my own thing!
This website will primarily be used for my characaters, their lore, a blog here and there, fashion, and some tutorials for arts and crafts for anyone who is interested, but I have to learn coding for this to work first and formost!